The new Acceptable Evidence Guidance is now live. We have worked very closely with Awarding Organisations to add new examples to the guidance with a number of organisations appearing for the first time. You can find the new guidance by clicking the ‘Acceptable Evidence’ tab on the ACE website. You can also access the page from within ACE by clicking on the ‘Acceptable Evidence Guidance’ link within the notification bar.
This new guidance replaces the December 2014 Guidance with immediate effect. Whilst there are many evidence examples that have been recognised as acceptable for a number of years, the minimum requirements may have changed. Please check each page carefully to ensure that the evidence you are uploading still meets our requirements.
From time to time we are forced to withdraw certain evidence examples from the guidance. Any evidence that is considered to no longer be acceptable will be moved to a dedicated page with a clear and fair withdrawal date set to ensure that any apprentices approaching certification can use the evidence as part of a SASE compliant claim for a short period of time. Evidence that has been ‘Set for Withdrawal’ from the December 2014 guidance can be found on the Withdrawn Evidence Page.
For the first time we also have guidance around Unacceptable forms of Pre-2006 Transferable Skills Evidence and Evidence to support Basic Information Amendments such as Name and National Insurance (NI) Number changes.
For more information about the new Acceptable Evidence Guidance please contact ACE System Support.