On the 5th of October 2015, we launched the latest version of the Acceptable Evidence Guidance for ACE. As part of the launch we asked you to provide us with evidence examples that you believe should be included in future updates. Due to the volume of responses we have received we have been able to make the following updates:
New Pages
- A dedicated IGCSE page has been created
- Three additional Awarding Organisations have signed up to the guidance:
AIM Awards
Institute of Financial Services /ifs University College
Open College Network West Midlands
New Additions to Existing Pages
- Five Awarding Organisations have added Acceptable examples to their page: AQA, CMIS, Pearson, Quartz and VTCT.
- Nine Awarding Organisations have added Unacceptable examples to their page: AQA, CACHE, City & Guilds, CMI, EAL, IMI, NCFE, Pearson and VTCT. Another example has also been added to the Pre 2006 Transferable Skills page.
Key Amendments to Existing Evidence Examples
The following examples have been amended following consultation with the relevant Awarding Organisation. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
- Edexcel Functional Skills Confirmation Report– This report has been amended to remove the ‘grade achieved’ as a mandatory requirement. We have confirmation from Pearson that this information is not always present and that the inclusion is of the Award and Issue date is sufficient to confirm achievement.
Other changes
Thank you to everyone who has supported the update to this guidance. We plan to carry out quarterly updates of the guidance if there is a sufficient supply of new evidence suitable for inclusion. If you would like to submit an evidence example for consideration please contact the System Support Team.