Monthly Archives: January 2017

Acceptable Evidence Guidance – 26 January 2017 Update

26th January 2017

In December 2016, we updated the latest version of the Acceptable Evidence Guidance for ACE.  Since then we have made the following changes:
OCR: It has been brought to our attention that it depends on the date of initial achievement as to whether a ****Final Certifying Statement of Results**** shows a Statement number (8) and we have therefore agreed with OCR that it will be removed with immediate effect as a minimum requirement.
We have also added 2 pieces of Unacceptable evidence from the interchange system which only show Test Results rather than achievement of the full qualification.
The Learning Record Service made some significant changes to the way they report qualification achievement last month. Subsequently, it has been brought to our attention that if the source of the information is the ILR or NPD then the level of the qualification will now be shown in the qualification title/aim description and not the Level field. Evidence is acceptable in this format and the guidance has been updated to reflect this.
Pearson have rebranded and we have added a BTEC certificate and an Edexcel certificate to reflect this.


CMIS: We have made a couple of minor alterations to the minimum requirements (points 4 and 5) to incorporate alternative report examples that have been brought to our attention.  Please hyperlink as above.


iSAMS:  We have added a new management information system (iSAMS) which is used within schools.  Please hyperlink as above.

SASE Framework Withdrawals Update

6th January 2017

Following a delay, the SFA have now published a third batch of 15 SASE frameworks to be withdrawn. This follows a period of public consultation which ran from 6 July – 3 August 2016. 14 of these frameworks now have replacement Standards that provide good coverage and are approved for delivery. One framework, Professional Development for Work Based Learning Practitioners, has had zero starts in the last two funding years.
These 15 frameworks will be withdrawn to new starts from 1 October 2017. The last date for new starts will be 30 September 2017. The SFA consider 9 months’ notice of withdrawal, for these frameworks, to be both sufficient and reasonable.
SFA have also announced the deferral of the withdrawal date of a further 5 frameworks whose withdrawal was initially announced in May 2016, as part of Batch 2.  This deferral is as a result of further evidence and feedback that has been received, relating to these 5 frameworks.
This withdrawal announcement does not impact any current learners, as they will continue to complete their Apprenticeship framework as usual. Once the withdrawal date for a framework has passed, any existing learners will continue to complete their Apprenticeship, on their agreed funding arrangements, and their Apprenticeship Completion Certificate can be claimed as normal.
The last date for new starts on withdrawn Frameworks will be updated on Apprenticeship Certificate England (ACE) and on the learning aims search on the Hub. On the agreed withdrawal date, the Frameworks will be archived on Apprenticeship Frameworks Online.
Here is a link to the list of Apprenticeship Standards currently available.
SFA will announce the proposals for withdrawing the remaining live SASE, frameworks in the spring.
For further information, please refer to the apprenticeship changes page on GOV.UK or contact the service desk.