Monthly Archives: July 2013

New Mandatory Field on ACE

31st July 2013


A new mandatory field will be introduced to ACE on Monday 5th August. You will now be required to state whether an apprentice has been publically funded or not. The new field will appear on the basic information tab of an apprentice as shown below.


You will not be able to submit a candidate for certification without making a selection in this field.



Publicly funded Screenshot


Bulk Upload


This change also means that a new bulk upload template will be required to load candidates. This will be available to download from the bulk upload page on ACE from the 5th of August.


To set an apprentice as publically funded, please enter a ‘1’ in the last column of your spreadsheet. For privately funded, please enter a ‘0’ in the final column.


If you have any questions please contact the ACE Support team via or 0844 573 2560.




Central Payment System Frequently Asked Questions

22nd July 2013


To help users understand the new Central Payment System we have put together this handy Frequently Asked Questions document.



Central Payment System FAQs



If you need any further information on the new Central Payment System please continue reading here, or contact



Central Payment System Draft Guidance

22nd July 2013


The Federation has developed a draft guidance document to help introduce users to the new centralised payment system for all Apprenticeship completion certifications processed on ACE.


There are three options for paying through the payment system:


1. Pre-pay by credit card.


2. Pre-pay by BACs.


These options will allow you to bulk buy credits for certificates that will be added to a balance on the ACE system, and deducted when certificates are processed


3. One off payment (pay at submission) – This option will allow you to use a credit/debit card to pay for the certificate when you submit the Apprenticeship certification claim for approval.


You can find further information here in this draft ACE Centralised Payment Guide


Please contact with any queries about the Central Payment System.


Changes in Payment for ACE Certificates

1st July 2013


Applications for English Apprenticeship certificates will be made to a central point from the end of September, instead of to one of 25 certification bodies.


The Federation for Industry Sector Skills and Standards is the certifying authority for Apprenticeships in England and hosts Apprenticeship Certificates England, to whom applications for certificates and payments will be made with effect from 30 September. The assessment of applications will continue to be carried out within ten days.


The change will generate greater consistency in terms of how applications and payments are received, providing a ‘one-stop-shop’ for individual applicants, employers, training providers and colleges.


Payment rates will not change but will normally be made with the application, although some of the larger training providers will be able to purchase ‘credits’ in advance to simplify their own processes.


The change follows a period of consultation with the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills and the National Apprenticeship Service, as well as with employers, training providers and colleges.


The Federation is piloting credit card and BACS payment systems in the early summer and welcomes training organisations and employers who would be interested in participating.


Federation Managing Director Mark Froud said; ‘The centralised billing system will make for greater consistency across sectors and provide a single point for apprenticeship certificate applications. We are grateful to BIS, NAS and all of our partners for helping us develop an approach that will build on the success of the programme. In just 15 months some 280,000 certificates have been issued in England with the vast majority within ten days of receiving a formal application’.