Following the announcement made in early January 2017, regarding the withdrawal of a third batch of SASE frameworks, 18 frameworks will be withdrawn to new starts from 1st Oct 2017. The last date for new starts on these frameworks will be 30 September 2017.
The list of Batch 3 frameworks for withdrawal can be found here.
This withdrawal announcement does not impact any current learners on any of these frameworks, as they will continue to complete their Apprenticeship as usual. Once the withdrawal date for a framework has passed, any existing learners will continue to complete their Apprenticeship, on their agreed funding arrangements, and their Apprenticeship Completion Certificate can be claimed as normal.
The last date for new starts on withdrawn Frameworks will be updated on Apprenticeship Certificate England (ACE) and on the learning aims search on the Hub. On the agreed withdrawal date, the Frameworks will be archived on Apprenticeship Frameworks Online.
In due course, the ESFA will announce the proposals for withdrawing the remaining “live” SASE frameworks.