Withdrawn Evidence


We have worked closely with Awarding Organisations to agree examples of acceptable evidence however occasionally examples that have been acceptable in the past need to be withdrawn from our guidance. This can be for a number of reasons including changes to online systems so that they no longer meet our requirements or finding that, on further investigation, the evidence does not show the full achievement of the qualification. We never take the decision to withdraw evidence lightly and we work with Awarding Organisations to ensure that suitable alternatives are sourced where possible. In the interest of fairness examples will initially be ‘set for withdrawal’ meaning that they can still be loaded to ACE as part of a claim for an agreed period.


Evidence Set for Withdrawal


This section has examples of evidence set for withdrawal and highlights the date this decision was made and the date that it will become officially withdrawn from our guidance. You may continue to load these examples to ACE as part of a claim until the official withdrawal date has passed.


Withdrawn Evidence

This section has examples of withdrawn evidence and highlights the date that the evidence was officially withdrawn from our guidance. These examples should no longer be loaded to ACE and will lead to your claim being rejected.


What formats of evidence are acceptable?


Any evidence that is uploaded to ACE must be good quality with all of the required data present, complete and clearly visible. The following commonly used file formats are all acceptable and are ones that we guarantee can be opened by Certification Bodies: PDF, JPEG, DOC, TIF, PNG, ZIP.


Other formats can be uploaded to ACE but there could be an issue for Certification Bodies in opening evidence that is in an unusual file format. Please note there is a 3MB file size limit and it may be necessary for files to be compressed prior to being uploaded to ACE.


Any single file that is to be used as evidence for more than one Apprenticeship component should have the correct tick boxes selected when the file is uploaded. This will ensure that a copy will be accessible from each of the selected component placeholders on the ACE Evidence Tab.


NB: For any evidence that contains the achievement details of more than one qualification (e.g. a learner’s PLR), can you please clearly indicate which specific entry, or entries, are being submitted as learner achievement evidence.


Created 05.10.15
Updated 05.01.16
Updated 10.05.17
Updated 10.08.17