Welcome to the online library for Archived SASE frameworks

All remaining Apprenticeship Frameworks were withdrawn to new starts after 31st July 2020, all Frameworks are now Archived.

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Framework Details

Framework Title: Technical Theatre: Lighting, Sound and Stage
ID: FR03447
Level/s: 2, 3
Issuing Authority: Creative & Cultural
Issue Date: 15/06/2015

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Contact Information

Contact Email: ace@skillsfederation.org

The Technical Theatre Apprenticeship at Levels 2 and 3 has been designed with the help of employers to widen the pool of potential recruits into the industry and to provide them with the skills they need to progress within specialist areas : Lighting, Sound & Stage.
Intermediate Level

Level 2 apprentices on the Lighting Pathway will train as Assistant Lighting Electricians, Board / Console Operators, Followspot Operators or Lighting Maintenance Technicians. Apprentices on the Sound Pathway will train as Assistant Sound Technicians. Those taking the Stage pathway will train as Stage Technicians or Assistant Flymen.

Advanced Level

Level 3 apprentices on the Lighting Pathway will train as Senior Lighting Electricians / Deputy Heads of Lighting, Board / Console Operators, Lighting Technicians (or Lead Lighting Technicians) or Lighting Maintenance Supervisor / Managers. Apprentices on the Sound Pathway will train as Senior Sound Technicians. Those taking the Stage Pathway will train as Senior Stage Technicians or Head Flymen.

Previous Framework Versions