Welcome to the online library for Archived SASE frameworks

All remaining Apprenticeship Frameworks were withdrawn to new starts after 31st July 2020, all Frameworks are now Archived.

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Framework Details

Framework Title: Operations and Quality Improvement
ID: FR03680
Level/s: 3
Issuing Authority: Enginuity
Issue Date: 14/12/2015

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Contact Information

Contact Email: certification@semta.org.uk

This Operations and Quality Improvement Advanced Apprenticeship framework has been produced in partnership with major employers and their supply chains to develop a pool of talent across the UK to support businesses to become more productive and remain competitive often in global markets. The framework components set out the skills, knowledge and understanding employees will require in order to support businesses to identify and then deliver continuous and sustainable quality, cost, delivery improvements for existing or new products, processes and/or services. Typical job roles could include Business Improvement Co-ordinators, Lean Manufacturing Facilitators, Production Team Leaders and Six Sigma Quality and Reliability Co-ordinators.

Previous Framework Versions