Welcome to the online library for Archived SASE frameworks

All remaining Apprenticeship Frameworks were withdrawn to new starts after 31st July 2020, all Frameworks are now Archived.

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Framework Details

Framework Title: Jewellery Manufacturing, Silversmithing and Allied Trades ArchivedGo to current version
ID: FR02829
Level/s: 2, 3
Issuing Authority: Creative & Cultural
Issue Date: 22/05/2014

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Contact Information

Contact Email: ace@skillsfederation.org

This apprenticeship has been designed with the help of employers to create a non-graduate entry route into jewellery, silversmithing and allied trades. Its aim is to increase the range of work-based learning opportunities and provide a supply of new entrants to the sector who are technically proficient in these areas.

Intermediate level apprentices will gain entry level skills across the breadth of jewellery, manufacturing, silversmithing and allied trades enabling them to recognise their strengths and allowing them to progress on to an area of specialism

Advanced level apprentices will train as specialists in one of the following at Level 2 and have knowledge of some of the other key areas: Goldsmith/Jeweller, Silversmith, Enameller, Engraver, Gem Setter, CAD/CAM worker, Polisher & Finisher, Jobbing Jeweller/Jewellery Technician.


Previous Framework Versions