Welcome to the online library for Archived SASE frameworks

All remaining Apprenticeship Frameworks were withdrawn to new starts after 31st July 2020, all Frameworks are now Archived.

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Framework Details

Framework Title: Digital Learning Design ArchivedGo to current version
ID: FR03914
Level/s: 3
Issuing Authority: Creative & Cultural
Issue Date: 09/08/2016

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Contact Information

Contact Email: ace@skillsfederation.org

Whilst the UK has the largest e-learning industry in the EU, with more than 400 companies specialising in e-learning for the corporate market generating over £540 million in 2011 there is no clear qualification pathway to train e-learning designers. In addition whilst industry is moving strongly into e-learning there is only limited take up of high quality e-learning and blended learning strategies in further and adult learning as a result of a lack of capability and capacity in the sector.

The Digital Learning Design Apprenticeship has been designed with the employers to address his skills shortage by widening the pool of potential recruits into the industry and providing the first dedicated training route for roles such as: Advanced Digital Learning Assistants, VLE Administrators, E-Learning Support Officers, Technology Enhanced Learning Coordinators, or Digital Learning Assistants.

Previous Framework Versions