Welcome to the online library for Archived SASE frameworks

All remaining Apprenticeship Frameworks were withdrawn to new starts after 31st July 2020, all Frameworks are now Archived.

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Framework Details

Framework Title: Agriculture ArchivedGo to current version
ID: FR02535
Level/s: 2, 3
Issuing Authority: Lantra
Issue Date: 14/02/2014

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Contact Information

Contact Email: apprenticeships@lantra.co.uk

The Agriculture Intermediate and Advanced Apprenticeship frameworks are designed to provide apprentices with the skills and knowledge required to carry out their job role and support future progression within the sector.
This Apprenticeship framework reflects the range of jobs within Agriculture, covering both arable and livestock enterprises. It provides an entry route into the sector as a general farm worker and provides progression through to an assistant herds person/assistant arable manager.
This apprenticeship framework provides progression opportunities through to the Higher Apprenticeship in Agriculture, leading to jobs such as Unit Manager or Assistant Farm Manager.
The minimum duration of the Intermediate Apprenticeship is 15 months and the Advanced Apprenticeship is 18 months.

Previous Framework Versions